Magician David Copperfield Joins Mission to Archive Human Knowledge Across the Solar System

Arch Mission Foundation's Nano-DVDs: A Cosmic Backup of Human Wisdom

Renowned magician David Copperfield is lending his support to a remarkable endeavor aimed at dispersing the wealth of human knowledge throughout the expanses of our solar system, ensuring it endures for future generations.

The Arch Mission Foundation (AMF) has already initiated a groundbreaking initiative by placing nickel-based nanofiche disks on the Moon’s surface. These disks serve as a safeguard, containing an archive of human knowledge that could potentially benefit future inhabitants or extraterrestrial beings.

Despite their name, these disks are not constructed from copper. They are 4g read-only disks, measuring 120mm in diameter and a mere 0.04mm in thickness, akin to DVDs but with 25 layers.