LOL Google + isn’t a failure .



Comparing with a Facebook user base of 750 million with Google+’s 62 million.

According to Paul Allen Google + is Adding 625,000 new users per day and Predicting 400 million users by end of 2012. that’s a staggering number as Google + will be integrated with almost every Google product and to add to it Android phones which are eating away the market share of smartphones will have direct Google plus sign-ups from Android phones.

My friends and families are on Facebook.

This is logical you want your group of friends to be on the same social network, but you can take a step forward by using the hangouts(multiple user video chat) features in Google + and truly a killer feature that’s not available on Facebook. Simply as I use it, Facebook is where I connect with old friends. Google+ is where I find new ones.

Who actually uses Google +?

A) Simple answer ” power users” which includes the techies, bloggers, photographers, artists. While the majority of bloggers had a positive review about the Google + platform and were quick to add the Google plus plugins like “+1 button”, Google+ “add to circles”, “Author=rel” tag and the upcoming + direct connect feature which allows users to a Google + brand page directly to their circles from a Google search results page. Since Google search is the first stop destination for most internet searches the above mentioned.