Apple has been making waves with their new M3 family of processors, with users showering high praise for the work Apple has done, to bring such a quality high-performance chipsets in just three iterations. However, benchmark scores for the M3 Pro chipset, reveals that in terms of sheer performance, it may not be a significant upgrade over its predecessor, the M2 Pro.
We looked at the benchmark scores and what we noticed is that while the M3 Pro is almost 14% faster than the M2 Pro in single core performance, it is only 6% faster in multi core performance. While it not be a huge difference, it’s still the bare minimum when it comes to generational chipset upgrades. Anything lower would have been a red flag. The M3 Pro obviously benefits from the new architecture and 3nm process that has been employes in its manufacturing, it has 12 cores which are split into 6 performance cores and 6 efficiency cores. The M2 Pro on the other hand, also has 12 cores, but they are split as 8 performance cores and 4 efficiency cores, allowing it to claw back the deficit to its newer sibling.