Is AI technology inevitable for companies?

Is AI technology inevitable for companies?

The dawn of generative AI technology is upon us, and the wave has just begun to rise. The technology that was being scoffed at in the beginning, is now becoming a deciding factor for the relevancy of companies now, and in the long run. In a recent study of around 800 business experts, 9 in 10 believed that the priority for companies now should be on better data management in order to better utilise AI technology.

The difference between companies that are using AI and companies who are yet to make the switch to AI is simply poor housekeeping and the lack of legacy solutions. Sometimes, a company has a lot fo data that can be utilised to better understand and predict future threats, but where they are falling short is the they are still dependent on humans to sort the data and make sense of it. Companies who have employed AI, on the other hand, simply feed this data to the generative AI, and in a mere matter of minutes, they have multiple solutions and predictions that they can utilise to further their company’s position in the market.