Mike’s success stemmed from the fact that he started using a particular program that analyzed promising keywords in search queries and compiled a list of potentially successful domain names. Then Mike would start putting together a final list of domains for a low-cost purchase, and later for a big sale.
Thanks to this system, by 2020, the domainer owns 250,000 domains. In Mike’s collection, you can also find great domain names like seo.com, tasty.com, and rip.org.
Mike Mann is also the author of Make Millions and Make Change, in which he shared his experience of making money in small businesses.
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A living legend — the mighty .COM
The most demanded zone in the world is .com. It is one of the first top-level domains in existence since January 1985. The US Department of Defense initially ran it, but soon the domain was transferred to SRI International.
The .com zone was originally created to provide addresses for commercial companies, but now it can be used by anyone, and for any purpose.
The longest domain
According to the rules of the domain zone, the length of a domain should not exceed 63 characters. In this case, the maximum number of levels of subdomains in one domain can be up to 127 characters. The maximum number of characters in each of the subdomains is also 63, but the length of the fully qualified domain name must not exceed 255 characters.