Instagram has announced that it would no longer support the IGTV app
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Instagram has announced that it would no longer support the IGTV app

Instagram says it’s getting rid of the standalone IGTV app as part of its “efforts to make a video as simple to discover and produce as possible,” according to the article that they put up. It is also working on a consistent way to share different types of videos, according to the article. Any films in the main app will have a full-screen viewer and tap-to-mute, and Instagram is working on a uniform approach to sharing the different types of videos (such as video posts or Reels). Later this year, the business plans to “try a new ad experience on Instagram that will allow creators to earn cash from ads placed on their reels.”

While the IGTV app is being phased down, as is the In-Stream advertising that was introduced into films longer than a minute, Instagram has made it plain that it will continue to prioritize video.