In 2023, Apple CEO Tim Cook will be taking a 40% reduction in pay
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In 2023, Apple CEO Tim Cook will be taking a 40% reduction in pay

Cook, who committed a few years ago to dedicate his money to charity, would most certainly earn more than $49 million this year owing to stock awards and bonuses. According to Bloomberg, he made $99.4 million in 2022, $15.4 million more than his annual goal compensation. His overall compensation package in 2021 was $98.7 million. Critics, such as the advice company Institutional Shareholder Services, have already encouraged shareholders to vote against Cook’s compensation package, citing concerns about the size and structure of his stock award. “Half of the grant does not include performance conditions,” the corporation previously said. Cook’s salary increase illustrates the shifting attitude regarding executive pay, and the CEO may be setting an example for his colleagues. After all, it is unusual for a senior executive to advocate that their own remuneration be reduced.