Hyundai And Autodesk Join Forces To Design Futuristic Walking Car

Hyundai And Autodesk Join Forces To Design Futuristic Walking Car

Generative design streamlines and accelerates the process of developing design ideas and getting to production. In the time a designer can create one idea, a computer can generate thousands, within the constraints provided by the designer, and present those numerous component design options with the trade-offs of strength, weight, cost, manufacturing complexity, and sustainability clearly illustrated early in the process.

In the case of the Elevate concept vehicle, high-torque electric motors are at each joint of the “legs.” This requires structural components to be strong and rigid. But vehicle handling and payload requirements demand they, and the in-motor driven wheels, which are the “feet” of the vehicle, be lightweight.

Creating tools for modern teams of this nature, leveraging the cloud, and a common data platform to ensure everyone’s on the same virtual page: this has been the focus of Autodesk’s Fusion 360 platform since its inception more than seven years ago.

Elevate exists only as a 5:1 scale prototype at this point, so it remains to be seen what’ll come of this fascinating and futuristic Hyundai project. Nevertheless, wrapped in its Transformer-inspired trappings are examples of the potential benefits offered today by a platform that breaks down barriers between design, engineering, and manufacturing; makes broad collaboration seamless by standardizing data; and gives teams access to a state-of-the-art, cloud-powered new process like the generative design.