How to uninstall apps on the iPhone and iPad

Apps dictate our mobile experience these days and with the evolution of development technologies and the influx of new developers every year, the market is abuzz with apps that help users accomplish a host of different tasks. There are some apps that come from official companies and brands, while there are some apps that are the brainchild of ambitious developers everywhere in the world. Now, while there is no limit to the number of apps that populate the market, there is a limit to the storage space that you have on your smartphone, and when it comes to the iPhone, especially the base memory spec models, you need to be very careful with the storage space, as the more the apps, the greater the memory they occupy and when you reach a point where you need to relieve some storage space, one of the solutions is to delete/uninstall apps that you no longer need on your device.

In this article, we are going to show you how you can uninstall apps on the iPhone and the iPad.

Uninstalling apps on the iPhone and iPad

Step 1. Scroll through the home screen and locate the app that you want to uninstall and remove from your iPhone.



Step 2. Touch and hold the app icon to reveal a drop-down menu.


Step 3. On the drop-down menu, tap on the ‘Remove App’ option.



Step 4. Tap Delete App, then confirm by tapping Delete again.

Keep in mind that some built-in Apple apps cannot be uninstalled, thus the option to delete an app may not appear. The following is a list of Apple apps that you can remove from your device. If you can’t get rid of a program that isn’t produced by Apple, turn off parental controls and try again.

The method of uninstalling apps is the same on the iPad as the interface is identical between the smartphone and the tablet. Now, for some reason, if you tap and hold the app and the apps start jiggling, simply tap on the ‘-‘ icon next to the app icon and the app will be uninstalled from your iPhone or iPad.

Once again, we would like to remind all readers that there are some third-party applications that claim to help you manage your apps and help you uninstall them from your iPhone or iPad. If you spot one of these apps, we request you not to install such apps as these operations are pre-installed and we do not need any external assistance.