How to show the battery percentage on your iPhone

How to show the battery percentage on your iPhone

One of the most loved and used features on a smartphone is the battery percentage indicator. In this, the battery icon of your smartphone is superimposed by the amount of battery life that is left. Not only is this useful, but it also helps you keep track of your phone usage and if you are smart about it, you can even try to optimize your battery life through the course of the day.

The battery percentage feature was a default feature in Android devices from the very beginning, but iOS devices got it much later. There is no explanation as to why Apple would delay the seeding of this seemingly simple feature, but it is Apple, so who knows…

Anyways, if you happen to be an iPhone user and you want your device to display the battery percentage, this is how you can do it –

How to show the battery percentage on your iPhone

Step 1. On your iPhone, tap on the Settings app.


How to show the battery percentage on your iPhone


Step 2. In the settings menu, tap on the ‘Battery’ option.


How to show the battery percentage on your iPhone


Step 3. Inside the battery settings, toggle ‘ON’ the battery percentage option.


How to show the battery percentage on your iPhone


Once you do this, you will see the battery percentage superimposed on the battery icon at the top right-hand side of the screen. At any point, if you wish to no longer see the battery percentage, you can simply follow the steps above and toggle OFF the battery percentage option.