How to make your corporate training program inclusive and effective

This article is written to help you make an all-inclusive and practical training program for your employees. I will try to incorporate some of the points that can help you do that. Let’s dive in to know more.


There is a hierarchy in any corporate organization, and that should indeed be respected. But often, we see that the management becomes biased towards the employees. These biases can be due to personal reasons, the level of performance, or any other factor. For example, while interacting with the learners, the training managers ask questions only to specific people. People who look attentive are interacted more with, while the quieter ones are neglected. Things like these do not promote inclusiveness, and hence should be discarded.


Each of your employees has different learning abilities, and they need to learn other things too. Providing a one for all training program is not recommended. It may work for some and may not work for many. Training managers should use a good LMS, such as LatitudeLearning to provide an engaging and customized training experience to all. Check out various LMS, and decide the right one as per your needs.