How to easily view the lyrics of a song in Apple Music

How to easily view the lyrics of a song in Apple Music


How to easily view the lyrics of a song in Apple Music


Keep in mind, that while 90% of the songs on Apple Music have lyrics available, there are still a few that are being updated. So if you see the lyrics button greyed out for a particular song, then the reason may be that the lyrics are unavailable, or the author has not uploaded them yet. Another neat trick is that you can skip to a particular section of a song by scrolling through the lyrics and tapping on the line from where you want to resume or start the playback. If you are an Apple user, the Apple Music app is preinstalled on all Apple devices, including iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Mac/Macbooks. You can get a one-month free trial for the service, and once that ends, you have a host of subscription options with attractive prices, that will convince you to stay on for a longer period.

If you want to subscribe to Apple Music or just check out the various plans, you can do so by visiting this link.