How to check the Voicemail on Android

The Android operating system is a perfect blend of smart technology that is ever-evolving, and basic features that make a smartphone behave like a phone, which is the original application. Google has ensured that the call features and the dialler app itself receive upgrades that bring in new features and stability along with detailed security options that make the whole experience safe and hassle-free.

The voicemail feature has come a long way since its introduction in the OS, and with the latest update, checking the voicemail that you have received is very easy.

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How to check the Voicemail on Android

In this tutorial, we will show you how to check voicemail on Android.

Step 1. Open the ‘Phone’ app on your Android smartphone.


How to check the Voicemail on Android


Step 2. Tap on the ‘Three-Dot’ icon at the top right-hand side of the home page.



Step 3. Tap on the ‘Settings’ option from the drop-down menu.



Step 4. Tap on the ‘Voicemail’ option from the Settings menu.



You will now see a list of voicemails that you have received on your phone number. You can now listen to the voicemails or even delete them if you do not need them anymore.

Now, in case you see that the voicemail option has been greyed out for you, it is because the service provider does not support the feature. Please get in touch with the provider to get additional information.