How to download the Whatsapp profile picture

How to add a contact on WhatsApp

One of the common questions that people have is how to add contacts to Whatsapp. This is where things get really easy. You see, when you install Whatsapp, it requests access to your contacts. What this does is allows Whatsapp to scan through your contact list and automatically add all the contacts that are on Whatsapp, to your messenger. This way, you do not need to add contacts manually to Whatsapp, and for that matter, there is no actual entry form within Whatsapp.

Now, in an event where you save a new contact to your smartphone, Whatsapp will automatically scan the contact at the time of adding, and if the contact being added is on Whatsapp, he/she will automatically show up on your Whatsapp contact list. It is that simple.

Do not fall for third-party apps that claim to assist you in this task. You do not need any support applications to add contacts to Whatsapp.