Google Ordered to Pay Over $1 Million in Gender Discrimination and Retaliation Lawsuit

Google Ordered to Pay Over $1 Million in Gender Discrimination and Retaliation Lawsuit

Google Cloud Executive Wins Historic Verdict in New York

In a significant legal victory, Ulku Rowe, a Google Cloud engineering director, will receive more than $1 million in compensation after accusing Google of gender-based discrimination and retaliation. The lawsuit alleged that Google initially hired Rowe at a lower-level position with lower pay compared to men with less experience who were hired simultaneously. Furthermore, she claimed she was passed over for a promotion in favor of a less qualified male colleague.

A Jury’s Verdict

A New York jury delivered its verdict on Friday, finding Google guilty of gender-based discrimination. As a result, Google has been ordered to pay Rowe a combined total of $1.15 million, covering punitive damages and compensation for the pain and suffering caused. However, the jury determined that Rowe did not prove Google violated New York’s equal pay law.