The major take away from the Bellroy Coin Fold wallet is without doubt, the nicely designed coin holder. The issue of holding coins in the wallets have plagued men for a while now, and it seems like Bellroy may have finally found the solution. The rest of the features are quite standard , but what sets this wallet apart is the sheer high quality craftsmanship. The product is a true delight to hold and carry around, sleek in design and quite sturdy to use. The slim frame also makes the whole product very easy to carry around, and is quite frankly the icing on the top for this product.
I do believe that the price tag may raise a few eyebrows, but that will not be a hindrance, as the outreach for this product is worldwide, and there are loads of people out there looking for a wallet that will finally save them the embarrassment of random falling coins every time they take out their wallets.