Affordable low-cost refill bottles are available across the entire collection and each model is backed by an extended three-year warranty (subject to terms and conditions), ensuring more value in the long term.
Average savings achieved printing the same number of pages using the ink bottles included within the EcoTank range, excluding hardware price. Comparison made on the average of the A4 EcoTank range versus the average of the top 10 best-selling models in Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa, in the period April 2017 – March 2018, as tracked by IDC EMEA Hardcopy Tracker (Data Q1 2018), IDC EMEA HCP Consumables Tracker (Data H2 2017). Printing costs calculated on the proportion of Standard and XL cartridges as tracked by IDC for the same reference period for the Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa markets. The average selling price was calculated by dividing the revenue by the units. Ink cartridge yields as communicated by the manufacturer’s websites.