DirectStorage is released by Microsoft, ushering in a new era of rapid load times and detailed worlds in PC games

DirectStorage is released by Microsoft, ushering in a new era of rapid load times and detailed worlds in PC games


However, before you run out to locate a game that takes full advantage of your fast NVMe 4.0 stick drive and compatible motherboard, you should be aware that the titles are not yet available. While developers have had access to the technology since July, today is simply the tip of the iceberg for those who may dig in. Indeed, the true kickoff may not occur until March 23rd at the Game Developers Conference, when AMD and developer Luminous Productions will demonstrate how they integrated DirectStorage into Forspoken, one of the first showcase games for the technology. By the way, you won’t be able to experience Forspoken until October 11th, as the game was only postponed last week.