Apple still hasn’t revealed an exact launch date for its fancy Vision Pro mixed reality headset. But leaked images offer a peek at how Apple Stores could display the $3,499 device.
In Apple patent filings uncovered by MacRumors, the Vision Pro sits suspended in mid-air on a dedicated stand, just like at its unveiling. The separate battery pack rests at the base, visibly on show rather than hidden away.
Each display stand shows off two Vision Pro headsets. That’s about all we can glean from the patents, but it’s a cool glimpse behind the scenes as Apple prepares its sales strategy.
Rumor has it the launch could come in January, though other reports say March. Either way, Apple Store staff are apparently getting trained on demoing the futuristic gadget.
Don’t expect hands-on VR stations at every Apple Store though. The experience may be limited to certain flagship locations at first.
And you may have to call ahead to actually buy a Vision Pro, since the headband, seal and prescription lenses require custom fitting. Apple could let you order online then send you in-store for setup.
The sky-high $3,499 price and limited availability suggest Apple isn’t expecting to sell tons of these things initially. But the Vision Pro kicks off something big for Apple’s future headsets.
As a hardcore Apple fan, I’m itching to strap on the Vision Pro and dive into virtual worlds. But I’ll probably wait for v2 or v3 when the tech matures more.
For now, we wait eagerly for Apple to announce an official launch date and sales process. Whenever that day comes, these patent filings preview how Apple will showcase its slick new portal into augmented and virtual realities.