Amazon Launches New Echo Dot Devices: The Best Echo Dot Line-Up Yet

Amazon Launches New Echo Dot Devices: The Best Echo Dot Line-Up Yet

Amazon today introduced the next generation of Echo Dot and Echo Dot with Clock, giving you more ways to bring the convenience of Alexa to every room of your home.

“A true ambient experience is there to simplify your day-to-day life when you need it and fades into the background when you don’t. This generation of Echo devices were designed with that vision in mind,” said Eric Saarnio, Vice President, Amazon Devices International. “With the upgraded audio and compact form factors, these new devices give customers more ways to make Alexa a seamless part of their day. And, with the new sensor and technology built into Echo Dot and Echo Dot with Clock, customers can have Alexa do even more on their behalf.”