Activate and Use iOS 17 Live Voicemail: Read Transcriptions in Real Time and Pick Up Calls Mid-Message

Learn How to Enable Live Voicemail, Read Transcriptions During Messages, and Seamlessly Answer Calls While Recording Voicemails.

Using Live Voicemail:

Once Live Voicemail is activated, employing it is straightforward:

  1. When you receive an incoming call that you either cannot or do not wish to answer, you have two options:
    • Press the voicemail button on the incoming call screen to send the call directly to voicemail.
    • Allow the call to forward automatically to voicemail.
  2. As the caller begins leaving a voicemail message, you will experience the following:
    • A brief chime will sound.
    • A live transcription of the caller’s message will appear on your Lock Screen.
    • If your phone is locked, it will prompt you to tap a button to use Face ID and unlock the device to view the message.
    • If you are actively using your phone when the message arrives, you will see a voicemail icon in the Dynamic Island or your device’s status bar (on older models). Tapping this icon will allow you to view the live transcription as it is spoken by the caller.
  3. The transcription of the message is typically displayed within a second of the caller speaking. The service is generally reliable in transcribing American and British accents.
  4. If you decide to answer the call during the voicemail recording, simply press the “accept” button while viewing the Live Voicemail transcription. This action will immediately connect you to the caller, similar to answering a call on traditional landline answering machines.
  5. You can revisit Live Voicemail messages at a later time. They are stored in the “Voicemail” tab, located at the bottom right of the Phone app. These messages coexist with standard voicemails provided by your carrier. Rest assured that all transcriptions occur on your device, ensuring the security of your private messages.

Deactivating Live Voicemail:

If you ever opt to turn off Live Voicemail, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate back to the “Settings” app on your iOS device.
  2. Scroll down and select “Phone.”
  3. Find and tap on “Live Voicemail.”
  4. Toggle the switch to turn off the feature.

By following these steps, you can effectively use iOS 17 Live Voicemail to manage your calls, read transcriptions in real time, and seamlessly answer calls during voicemail recordings. Should you decide to disable the feature at any point, you can easily revert to your previous voicemail setup.