A Direct to Consumer Omnichannel Experience With Mitto

A Direct to Consumer Omnichannel Experience With Mitto

Statistics show that 6 in 10 Americans shopped at direct-to-consumer brands in 2021. Brands like Warby Parker, Hint, Glossier, and All Birds are among some leaders in this type of marketing. But what is direct-to-consumer (D2C)? And as non-D2C brands take notice, what will need to change for their marketing techniques?

D2C is a marketing tactic that involves reaching out to the customer directly without relying on intermediaries, including distributors, wholesalers, or retailers. D2C brands have complete control over their distribution, marketing, shipping, etc. This correlates with consumer trends. A whopping 55% of consumers have visited brand websites instead of purchasing items from a retailer website like Walmart or Amazon.

So, although not all countries utilize D2C as heavily as others, it is likely that D2C brands will only increase with consumer channel preferences.


What Are The Benefits of D2C?