There was a time when toolbars was considered to many web related task without moving to many web a pages to do the same thing until toolbars started to rule your web browser, toolbars coming with all the free software programs most of them spammy and sitting on your browser not with good intentions until Chrome, Opera had a cleaner approach to web browsing with neat well defined icons and layout.
Getting most of a webpage has made WebPages with lot of bookmarking tools, sidebars and widgets just to ensure visitors stay longer on the webpage. Google Chrome has come with a chrome extension by which on installing makes your browsing more relevant by adding a thin bar which gives information like videos, maps and reviews which seems yet another mash up search from existing Google services.
And more importantly the app can access your data on all websites and browsing activity on all tabs. When you see an item you like, you can spread the word by using the built-in +1 button which in turn improves relevancy of the page you liked looks like Google is accelerating social relevancy in search.
Install the chrome Google related extension for chrome and check out whether it suits your browsing style.
Note: Google Related only works for users who have configured Toolbar’s search site to be