Microsoft Copilot received a voice feature back in October, and it was a game changer. Basically, the Copilot Voice allowed users to interact with the AI Assistant using natural speech, and the assistant attempted to solve your queries by responding in speech format. The only limitation back then, was that the Copilot voice only supported English fully, with barely any support for other languages.
As it turns out, the devs at Microsoft were cooking behind the scenes, and finally, we have an update to Copilot Voice, and it now support a whopping 40 languages!! This means, if you are a native Spanish speaker, and you activate Copilot voice and speak your query in fluent Spanish, the voice assistant will respond in kind.
Additionally, the Copilot Voice has been given the ability to keep a conversation flowing, which means seamless voice chatting, and more natural sounding answers to your queries. Have you ever interrupted someone midway when they answering your query, well, you can do it with Copilot voice as well, and instead of throwing something at your face or storming off, it will adjust its tone and response, and keep the conversation flowing.
Taking things even further, Copilot Voice also has the ability to match its response to the tone of your voice. So, if you were to talk to Copilot voice in a bit of enthusiasm, you may get an equally hyped tone of response. Alternatively, if you sound a bit low, the assistant will adjust its tone of response accordingly. This is truly taking conversational AI to the next level, and I, personally, am all for it.
Now, you must be thinking – All these improvements, 4o new languages, even tonal understanding, surely this updatemust be hidden behind a paywall…right? Well, you are absolutely….WRONG!!
Believe it or not, Microsoft is offering this updated voice assistant, with all its new bells and whistles, completely free of charge. In fact, all you need to do is trigger Copilot on your Windows PC, and try out the voice feature. The new additions should be reflected. If they are not, look for an update for your OS, or reeboot the system. Typically, the roll out happens in phases in order to ease the load on the servers. Rest assured though, it will be free across the world.
I am looking forward to trying this out for myself and comparing it to its fellow competitors (OpenAI, Gemini, etc). Will share my findings on this blog, so stay tuned.