It’s difficult to keep up with everything intriguing, important, or simply entertaining that you come across on the internet. You might stumble upon something you don’t have time to read right now but want to keep for later use. However, as most of us have realised, bookmarking each item and website that we wish to read later can result in a massive bookmarky mess.
Years ago, I began to solve this problem by signing up for Pocket, a famous and long-running software that allows you to save a bookmarked article to a different server and then retrieve it to read at your leisure using either a computer or a mobile device. Pocket has been in operation since 2007. Originally known as Read It Later, it began as a Firefox browser plugin, evolved into its own app, and was acquired by Mozilla in 2017.
Still, if you use Pocket and have a Firefox account or don’t mind making one, you can easily convert the account (as of this writing, the instruction page still gives the now-invalid June 30th date) and continue using Pocket as before. If you’re hesitant to create a Firefox account for whatever reason, there are other tools you can use to collect bookmarks for reading material.
Number 1. Pocket
Pocket has created a well-designed interface with numerous choices that allow you to sort your articles by newest or oldest, choose favourites, display them in list or grid format, archive the ones you wish to save, and categorise them using tags. Its Home screen (now marked “beta”) displays your most recent saves as well as the “Best of the web.” You can share your articles on social media or suggest them to others within the app. There are browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari, as well as apps for Android and iOS devices.