Cloud computing has been one of the most influential technological innovations in recent years. In fact, the move from in-person to remote working would have been significantly more difficult for businesses that were not using cloud computing solutions. However, just because cloud computing has become an essential business technology, that does not automatically mean that you cannot increase the return on your investment spent.
Understanding how to increase your return on cloud computing spend can help you ensure you gain more benefits from all of your business technologies.
1. Identify Your Company’s Needs
The first step to increasing the return on your cloud computing spend is to have a clear review of your company’s needs. It is very likely that before you adopted your cloud computing system, you completed a review to identify what needs this new solution is addressing. However, as any business owner will tell you, a business’s needs can change a great deal in a relatively short period of time.
One of the major benefits cloud services has over physical hardware is the increased flexibility they offer. To fully ensure you are taking advantage of cloud computing’s flexibility you should continue to review your companies’ needs to ensure you are using the right cloud computing solution.
2. Use Dedicated Security Systems
If you are using cloud computing, it is vital that you also use cloud computing security systems. Without dedicated cloud computing security, you are leaving yourself vulnerable to a successful cyber-attack. A successful cloud computing cyber-attack can lead to a complete breakdown in your business operations. This can cause productivity issues and a loss of customer data, plus legal and financial implications.
3. Be Mindful of Data Transfer Charges
One of the biggest charges on top of your regular cloud computing spend can be data transfer charges. You should monitor the amount of data transfer charges that you are incurring to ensure that you are not inadvertently overspending on your cloud computing services.
4. Train Your Staff
No matter how experienced your staff might be or how simple you believe a technology solution is, it is vital that you train your staff properly. You should have a system in place in which you train staff whenever a new technological system or solution is adopted in your place of work. This will help you ensure you are offering all potential benefits from a technological system, as your staff are aware of the system’s best practices and all potential uses.
5. Monitor Your Usage
Not only should you regularly monitor the issues that cloud computing services are addressing, but it is also useful to monitor your usage. While you might have the best intentions when you adopt cloud computing and train your staff on these intended usages, reality does not always plan out the way you expect it to. Monitoring how cloud computing is used in your organization will help you to ensure you are not overspending on services that are not being fully utilized.