5 Photo-Centric Social Media platforms that you should check out

5 Photo-Centric Social Media platforms that you should check out

DeviantArt caters to professional photographers more than amateur photographers, yet anybody may join for free. It provides users with a diverse selection of art galleries to explore, which are grouped into categories such as conventional, animation, and illustrations. The focus here is on building an artist community, thus there are not just comments but also new chat tools.

There are no limits on how much you may upload for public viewing with a free DeviantArt membership (picture files are limited to 80MB), and you get access to DA’s community of artists and art fans. If you wish to sell and display your photographs, you should consider becoming a Core Member. You may sell your work for $3.95 each month, with a 12% commission on gallery, download, or commission sales; there is also a $1,000 maximum price per digital item, as well as 20GB of private storage space. There are many different levels to choose from.


Number 5. VSCO


5 Photo-Centric Social Media platforms that you should check out


VSCO is a website where photographers can save, edit, and share their work. VSCO Spaces, a new tool that enables users to build shared galleries “around a certain subject, photographic style, event, or place,” is presently being rolled out. Members may leave up to 15 comments on the work; nonmember visitors can see the work but cannot see or contribute to the comments. The app is available for free on iPhone and Android, with a restricted range of editing options. VSCO membership (which includes more complex tools like video editing and a large choice of presets) costs $7.99 per month or $29.99 per year, with a seven-day free trial.