5 Games that you MUST play on your Playstation 5

The next-gen gaming console that has been making the most waves is the Playstation 5. While many are still waiting to get their hands on the consoles (Thanks to COVID delays), the influx of games tailored towards the PS5 has been steady, and there are some great titles that, if you happen to own the console, you should definitely try out. We, fortunately, got hold of consoles and tried out some of the best titles, and today, we are going to talk about our Top 5.

Number 1. Demon’s Souls



Bluepoint’s Demon’s Souls remake isn’t for everyone, but neither is any Souls game. The first Demon’s Souls was a sleeper smash on the PS3 in 2009, creating the core model that would eventually be solidified with Dark Souls, and then aped by an entire industry to the point that we now have practically a “Soulslike” genre. Today, that means a severe difficulty level, grinding foes for souls to level up, retrieving your body to collect those souls, a complex world to explore, and, if you’re doing Soulslike well, some show-stopping boss encounters to struggle with. Demon’s Souls, the genre’s forefather, contains many of them. Instead of a large expansive area, it has a gateway system with smaller labyrinths to navigate. Its bosses are likewise not as stunning or challenging as those in a more recent Dark Souls game.

Bluepoint has stayed loyal to the original, but Demon’s Souls is a genuine display of what the PS5 is capable of, with magnificent high-resolution graphics, silky frame rates, and quick loading. While the visuals are impressive, the smoothness and loading times are the most noticeable. The original ran at 720p and… 25 to 30 fps depending on what you were doing, but the remake allows you to choose between a fixed 30 or 60 fps at 4K or 1440p. And in a game where you’re likely to die hundreds of times, waiting two seconds to respawn instead of thirty is game-changing.


Number 2. The Ghost of Tsushima – Director’s Cut