10 Android Settings to Enhance Security

10 Android Settings to Enhance Security

This is what you should do: 

  • Go to Settings
  • Either search for or manually find the Permission manager (usually located in the privacy tab)
  • Scroll through what you find important and edit the permissions yourself. No, that puzzle video game does not need access to your camera!

*You can also set direct permissions per app by finding the application you want to change in the Apps part of the settings. 

2. 2FA

While our data is virtually completely safe within our phones, apps are not that impenetrable. Setting up a 2-factor Authentication system, especially when it comes to your Google/Gmail account, is paramount! 

So, bring up the system settings and go to Manage Google Account, find the 2FA feature, and simply follow the steps

If your main Google account gets compromised, who knows what else can be collected from it. So, set up 2FA and secure your credentials with strong passwords as well (you can use additional applications to help with password security too). 

3. Updates, Updates, Updates!

Most phones keep themselves updated without us even noticing it. However, when major system updates are being deployed, you may have to manually allow them. The thing is, besides UI changes and bug fixes, system updates bring security patches and you shouldn’t skip them.

No matter how tedious you find this, allow your phone the 10 minutes (give or take) to update and reboot. 

4. Smart Lock

Since the rise of wireless consumer tech, Smart Lock has been a lifesaver for gadget users. It was designed to alleviate the pressure of constantly unlocking your phone.