Social Media Week,Bangalore Day 1 Highlights.

Social Media Week,Bangalore Day 1 Highlights.

Social Media for Social change – Speaker CVL Srinivas addressed the major issue of illiteracy among women and how education could have changed the fate of the country as a whole. A step towards that has been taken by roping in popular TV stars who have a great impact on their life.  Social media is the perfect platform to start the operation on a large scale.

Crowd Fund Your Idea – Pawan Kumar – Director of Kannada film Pawan Kumar shared his experience about how his film Lucia took place with the immense support of social media. Starting from auditioning to selecting Assistant Directors almost everything was done trough Social Media. According to him, if everything is planned out properly, then social media will be a great platform to crowd fund the success.

Will Social Media be the game changer for the 2014 elections? This was the topic of discussion which comprised of the Aam Aadmi Party, BJP and AICC and 2 experts from the Social Media Platform. Everybody voiced the same opinion that they are using the platform to interact with the voters and seek their help to bring in changes in the way things are being governed.