Nikon Professional Cameras with WiFi [ Product Insights ]

Top Benefits of Wi-Fi

Nikon believes Wi-Fi provides a broad range of benefits and uses for its customers. First and foremost, it provides a simple and more flexible way to transfer media from camera to PC, tablet or smart phone. Apps on the smart device allow for immediate emailing, texting or uploading onto a social media platform – for example, to my Picturetown. This allows consumers to more quickly and easily share their images without having to return to their computer, download from a memory card, and then upload to social media. For professionals, Wi-Fi provides the freedom to keep shooting without worrying about memory card storage limits. Wi-Fi also gives both professionals and consumers more control over their cameras, by allowing remote control of camera functions from a PC, a tablet, or a smartphone. For example, using the WU-1a wireless mobile adaptor, a consumer can see the complete Live View preview and fire the camera remotely, snap a picture or start/stop an HD video. The WT-5 wireless transmitter provides even more control, allowing professionals to adjust focus, aperture, shutter speed, and even switch shooting modes – all via a smart device or PC. Last, Wi-Fi provides an automatic backup function, ensuring images, whether professional or personal, are captured and saved quickly and efficiently to PCs or cloud-based services.Some of the products which Wi-Fi technology is applied D3s, D300s, D7000 D800, D200, D3200 COOLPIX P1, P2, S610c