New BlackBerry OS 10.2.1 update rolls out, unlocks the built-in FM radio.

BlackBerry OS 10.2.1 includes hundreds of new enhancements and refinements that will make the things you do every day faster and easier:

Customize Pinch Gesture to Filter BlackBerry Hub – 

BlackBerry Hub lets you access all your messages and notifications in one place. A new feature lets you instantly filter the message list in the Hub. You can customize the Hub to show only Unread Messages, Flagged Messages, Draft Messages, Meeting Invites, Sent Messages, or Level 1 Alerts. Once the filter criterion is set, you can simply activate it with a pinch gesture on the Hub’s message list.


Simplified Phone Experience 

The phone includes a new incoming call screen that lets you swipe to the left to answer or swipe right to ignore a call. New intuitive icons allow you to instantly silence the call or send a Reply Now response through BBM, SMS, or email that you can’t answer the phone right away. You can choose from a list of standard automated responses or respond with a personalized note.


SMS and Email Groups – 

You can now create SMS and email groups for more efficient broadcast communications.


Actionable Lock Screen Notifications – 

You can now “Tap to open” a message that appears on the lock screen, letting you respond to an important message much quicker or to check messages more discreetly.