The new trailer introduces the young girl as Diana, accompanied by her heavily armored protector. Together, they engage in combat against robotic creatures, explore futuristic landscapes, and even embark on thrilling high-speed piggy-back rides. Although the soldier takes the lead in battle, the trailer also unveils Diana’s special abilities, sparking curiosity about her role in the game’s narrative.
As Pragmata’s enigmatic story unfolds, players are left wondering about the origins of Diana’s powers, the purpose of the characters’ moon-bound journey, and the fate of humanity itself. Regrettably, these mysteries will remain unresolved for now, as Capcom did not announce a new release window in the latest update. However, the development team reassured fans that they are working tirelessly to create a final product that lives up to the players’ expectations and is worth the wait.
Pragmata is set to launch on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, and PC gaming platforms. Capcom’s commitment to delivering a captivating and unforgettable experience suggests that the delays are intended to refine the game’s mechanics, optimize its performance, and craft a narrative that will leave a lasting impression on players.