Yadea Showcases Advanced Electric Two-Wheelers at IFA Berlin 2024, Leading the Way in Sustainable Mobility
·01/03/2021AA (Administrative Assistant)Pronunciation – ay-ay An administrative assistant is a person employed by an individual or an organization, tasked with carrying out...
·01/03/2021Access ControlMeaning – Access control in the realm of computer security, is the process of ensuring that the classified files of...
·01/03/2021AcknowledgementMeaning – In the world of IT, the word acknowledgement corresponds to the indication that an item was sent o...
·01/03/2021Action PlanMeaning – An Action Plan is a proposed strategy or course or action. Usually, when there is an objective for target...
·01/03/2021Active programMeaning – An active program with respect to computers, corresponds to a code or a part of a bigger code...
·01/03/2021Active WindowMeaning – An active window, in a computer, is the window that can receive input commands from the keyboard. When...
·01/03/2021Added ValueMeaning – Added value corresponds to the added bells and whistles that brands offer with their products, in order to...
·01/03/2021AdministriviaMeaning – Administrivia corresponds to the details that must be taken care of, and the tasks that must be completed...
·01/03/2021Advanced Interactive Executive (AIX)Meaning – The term AIX stands for Advanced Interactive Executive, or more commonly, “Ain’t UNIX”. AIX is basically an operating...
·01/03/2021Advanced Peer-to-Peer NetworkingAdvanced peer to peer networking, is a group of protocols that are used to set up program to program communication,...
·01/03/2021AgentThe word agent, in the realm of IT, can have multiple meanings. In the area of systems management, an agent...
·01/03/2021AggregateIn the programming world, the word aggregate relates to a collection of data objects that form a data type. In...